Tag Archives: Supply Chain
PrivateLabel dan WhiteLabel di Rantai Pasok
Private label dan white label mungkin adalah dua istilah yg paling sering disalahgunakan dan membingungkan dalam rantai pasok. Keduanya mengacu pada produk-produk yg di-rebranding oleh retailer, namun ada perbedaan tipis di antara keduanya.
White label, produk generik dibuat oleh pabrik diperuntukkan bagi banyak retailer. Misalnya, produsen white label akan menjual sabun generik ke 10 pengecer berbeda. Setiap pengecer dapat memberi branding produk sesuai dg keinginan mereka.
Dilihat sebanyak : 47 kali
Warung Pintar melakukan akuisisi Bizzy Digital senilai Rp631,15 miliar untuk memperkuat posisinya sebagai pemimpin dalam platform dagang elektronik
Warung Pintar melakukan akuisisi Bizzy Digital senilai Rp631,15 miliar untuk memperkuat posisinya sebagai pemimpin dalam platform dagang elektronik.
Dilihat sebanyak : 16 kali
Case Study : Acme Water Pumps
The Acme Water Pump company has a problem. The pumps are fairly expensive to make and store, so the company tends to keep the inventory low. At the same time, it is important to respond to demands quickly, since a customer who wants a water pump is very likely to get one from a competitor if Acme doesn’t have one available immediately. A cm e’s current policy to produce pumps is to produce 100 per week, which is the average demand. Even this is a problem, as the production manager has pointed out, since the equipment is also used for other products and the lot size of 300 would be much more efficient. He said he is currently set up for water pump production for the next week and states that he has capacity available to produce 300 at a time next week.
Dilihat sebanyak : 1043 kali