Tag Archives: Odoo 11

QR code dan Barcode pada QWeb Report Odoo

Kali ini kita akan mencoba menampilkan QR code dan barcode di produk yang ada di Inventory Odoo versi 10. Secara default Odoo sudah menampilkan barcode pada label produk.

Dilihat sebanyak : 1124 kali

Odoo Roadmap Apps

Odoo Roadmap Apps

Images for Design used FreePlane
Download : https://github.com/mhdsyarif/odoo-roadmap

Dilihat sebanyak : 388 kali

How to use Web Service Odoo 11 with XML RPC and Python Script

The simplest method to access the server is using XML-RPC. We can use the xmlrpclib library from Python’s standard library for this. Remember that we are programming a client in order to connect to a server, so we need an Odoo server instance running to connect to.

In our examples, we will assume that an Odoo server instance is running on the same machine (localhost), but you can use any reachable IP address or server name, if the server is running in a different machine.

Please watching this video :

Dilihat sebanyak : 341 kali

One day Seminar Odoo “ERP Run Business Transformation in Organization”

Hallo, Rekan – Rekan IT,

One day Seminar Odoo yang kami adakan di Narita Hotel Tangerang – Tanggal 28 Oktober 2017 , Membahas “ERP Run Business Transformation in Organization”, Ayo Segera daftar sekarang juga sebelum kehabisan, hanya 50 seat (Free) , Terbatas !!!

Dilihat sebanyak : 89 kali