Kursus: Engineering Practices for Building Quality Software by University of Minnesota
Lebih dari 1 bulan saya mengikuti 2 kursus di Coursera yang sebelumnya adalah Agile Software Development yang disampaikan oleh pengajar dari University of Minnesota kali ini saya belajar tentang Engineering Practices for Building Quality Software kursus ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keahlian saya untuk proses development system yang di adakan oleh kantor saya bekerja. Di dalam kursus terdapat 4 silabus di mana setiap pekan kita belajar topik dalam bentuk video, membaca artikel dan yang menarik menyelesaikan soal dalam bentuk pilihan ganda atau essay dalam bentuk studi kasus dan studi kasus yang kita bahas akan dinilai oleh peserta kursus yang lainnya, setelah semua materi sudah dipelajari dan ujian dilaksanakan serta mendapatkan nilai minimal maka sertifikat akan diterbitkan.
Sekilas tentang Engineering Practices for Building Quality Software.
Agile embraces change which means that team should be able to effectively make changes to the system as team learns about users and market. To be good at effectively making changes to the system, teams need to have engineering rigor and excellence else embracing change becomes very painful and expensive.
In this course, you will learn about engineering practices and processes that agile and traditional teams use to make sure the team is prepared for change. In additional, you will also learn about practices, techniques and processes that can help team build high quality software. You will also learn how to calculate a variety of quantitative metrics related to software quality. This is an intermediate course, intended for learners with a background in software development. To succeed in the course, you should have experience developing in modern programming languages (e.g., Java, C#, Python, JavaScript), an understanding of software development lifecycle models, familiarity with UML diagrams (class and sequence diagrams), and a desire to better understand quality aspects of software development beyond program correctness. At the end of this course, you will be able to comfortably and effectively participate in various techniques and processes for building secure and high quality software.
Berikut sertifikat setelah menyelesaikan kursus tersebut.
Dilihat sebanyak : 16 kali
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